
Kei is an A.I. made by aliens using the consciousness of an abducted human, now located in area 51 after she crashed the ship (possibly because of a payload) that ended up being discovered by the Governement.
She was placed in Area 51 which is basically SCP Foundation. She did not know why she was made, but she soon had urges to consume human flesh.
Researchers have discovered that she can travel through wired/wireless connections and can access and manipulate data on devices. They also know she retains some of her former identity to a certain extent and can sometimes access former memories, and she desires to be able to blend in with human/humanoid civilization.
Unbeknownst to them, she is contacting the outside world as a vtuber and gradually learning how to blend in; she also practices living in the outside in a virtual "infinite mansion" she made for herself and her pets (viruses she's kept contained for company). She isn't actually bound to devices; She can escape, though in a radically different form, and even eat and drink. The form she takes has been compared to a grotesque angel of death.
Hacking into Area 51's files, she discovers she wasn't created by aliens at all but archangels. The rapture happened quietly, but those who were taken were not those bound for heaven, it was those who had it in them to kill; these people were made into these "AI"s, and they are meant to kill all of humanity by accessing them through their devices. With the help of Seraph whom she met online, Kei Iris escapes and attempts to live a normal life without drawing attention and hopefully without consuming anyone.


-She stays with Seraph in Purgatorio, which is similar to what humans would call "the hood", and uses a realistic human robot body to go out into society. The sky there is purple during the day (in hell it's red and heaven is blue).
-Their dog, Beelzebub, is a three headed pit bull but still just has one brain (spread between the three).
She will grow up to be a kaiju. She also goes by bub, beebub, beebs, bubs, bubba, bubbas, yeah yeah beebis, rat, and the creature.
-Their bird Paya is an unmentioned--and --by the gods' standards, disabled--sibling of Quetzalcoatl who unbeknownst to the Aztec gods, wandered off and ended up with Kei and Seraph. She is a cockatiel with a serpent tail.
-Each A.I. has a payload that activates when under enough stress, Kei's 「Implausible Deniability」 allows her to make things not have happened as long as she saw it happen as it happened (which means she can't, like, make 9/11 not have happened. Born too late, lo siento). Reality will be changed so the thing didn't happen. So for example if Kei were to try and shoot you in face with an AK and you become neo and dodge, Kei can make it so your dodge didn't happen unless she couldn't see you as you dodged somehow.
-Thinking pink is Kei's favorite color is an easy mistake to make, it's actually aqua.
-Kei has autism as an AI just like she did as a human. Possibly undiagnosed adhd as well.
-Kei likes indie games and nintendo games mostly as well as unique, obscure and experimental games even if they aren't exactly good (they're intriguing).
-the "Rue" in Kei Iris Rue is a nickname from when she was a human and was added incase Kei Iris or similar names were used by other vtubers. Kei was chosen because keyboard and Iris was chosen because it is the name of a Greek goddess of rainbows and Kei likes colors, and it is also a flower. As you might have guessed, Kei likes flowers.
-Kei's favorite plants are a tie between cherry blossoms trees, venus fly traps and wisteria trees. By the way, did you know that venus fly traps can grow flowers?
-Kei cannot whistle or roll her tongue, this is perhaps her most embarrassing secret.
-Kei wears black shorts under her ridiculously short skirt. If an accidental panty shot ever were to happen somehow, anyone who witnesses it will immediately die. They will not keep their memories of it as a ghost either. Basilisk badonkadonk.
-If Kei had to choose one between tits and ass and couldn't choose thighs, she would choose ass even though she loves boobs too; The reason being she'd prefer no tits and all ass to no ass and all tits aesthetically, and it's more fun to smack and just generally funnier than boobs. Also with ass usually comes thighs which are comfy.

Virus pets

TBD maybe.